Sunday, June 22, 2014

Introduction to CSS

What is CSS?

.CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.
Styles define how to display Html elements.
Cascading means dynamic,Style Sheet means combination of plain text.
CSS provides 4 types of style sheets.
1)Internal Style Sheets
2)External Style Sheets
3)Inline Style Sheets
4)Embed Style Sheets

1)Internal Style Sheets:

In this type of style sheets we can include CSS within the <head> tag.
<style type="text/css”>
CSS Properties

2)External Style Sheet:

In this type of style sheet we can simply specify all the css properties in a separate and save that file with .css extension and we have to import the external css file into our program.
mystyle.css is the file which contains all the CSS properties
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css">

3)Inline Style Sheet:

In this type of style sheet we can add the properties in each and every individual tag.
<p style="properties">

4)Embeded Style Sheet:
In this type of style sheets we can include CSS in b/w the <head> tag and <body> tag.
<style type="text/css">
CSS Properties

Advantage of CSS:

By using css we can create web pages how we want.
It will provide more different styles.
Is also provide event actions.
We can also create web layout designs.

Syntax of CSS properties:

The CSS syntax is made of three parts
selector----It is nothing but the html tag.
property---- It is nothing but the attribute we want to change.
value-- It is the value given to the attribute.

Rules for declaring:

If  the value is multiple words, put quotes around the value
eg:   p {font-family: "sans serif"}

If you wish to specify more than one property, you must separate each property with a semicolon

Grouping of Selectors:

You can group selectors. Separate each selector with a comma.
color: green

The class Selector:

With the class selector you can define different styles for the same type of HTML element.
text-align: right
text-align: center
You can also define styles for HTML elements with the id selector. The id selector is defined as  #.
eg: #green {color: green}

Introduction to HTML

Web designing:

The main purpose of web designing is to create, design, develop and maintainance of the web pages.


Internet is a globalized network of computers. The main purpose/ advantage of internet is transfering files from the one place to another place.

Web Site:

Collection of web pages is called a web site.

Web Page:

A web page is nothing but a file which contains the information about the particular topic or group of topics placed on the internet.

WWW-World Wide Web(nothing but internet)
URL- Uniform Resource Locator.

What is HTML?

  • Html is a language for describing web pages.
  • HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language.
  • Html is not a programming language, it is a scripting language or markup language.
  • A mark-up language consists of  set of markup tags.Html uses these markup tags to describe web pages.


  • Html tags are keywords surrounded by angle brackets(<>).
  • Html tags come normally in pairs like <html> and </html>.
  • The first tag in the pair is called as starting tag or opening tag
  • The second tag in the pair is called as ending tag or closing tag.
Html tags are basically divide into 3 types, they are
1)Constant tags:-
These tags are compulsory present in each and every html web page.

2)Fixed Tags: 
These tags contains both opening and closing tags
eg:<font></font>,<h1></h1> etc.

3)Independent Tags:
These tags doesn't contain closing tags.
eg:<br>,<img>,<hr> etc...

What You Need?

We need a text editor such as notepad.
We need a web browser in order to see the output such as internet explorer, mozila firefox etc.....

Process of Execution:

Type the program in the notepad and save the file as "filename.html"(with .html extension)
The browser does not display the html tags, but uses the tags to interpret the content b/w the tags.

1) html tag has the basic following syntax:
<tagname propertyname value>
eg:<body bgcolor="red">

Types of Web Pages:

Every web page is divided into 2 types.
        1. Static Page: 
              In this page only Designing

        2.Dynamic page: 
              In this page Designing and Scripting

Every HTML page is divided into 2 types.

      1.Head of the page:
                       In this we can give Title of Page.

      2.Body of the page:

             In this we can give total designing of page.

Shortcut Keys in Tally ERP9

Shortcut Keys in Tally ERP9:

F1 to select company
Alt+f1 to shut company
F2 to Change Company date
Alt+f2 to change the current period of particular company
F3  to change current company
Alt+f3 company information menu

Calculator area:

When we are doing tally we may use calculator
→to open calculator we need press (ctrl+n)
→to close calculator we need press (ctrl+m)

Button bar area:

It contains different types of buttons from f1 to f12

Gateway of Tally

Gateway of Tally:

Overview of gateway of tally
  • Masters
  • Transactions
  • Import
  • Reports
  1. Masters→ in masters we can create ledgers by using accounts info and also we can create groups.
  2. Transactions→ by using this transactions we can create vouchers, such as contra vouchers, receipt vouchers, payment vouchers, journal vouchers etc.

Gateway of Tally ERP 9

Types of Vouchers:

  • Contra vouchers (f4): in this contra voucher we should post any cash deposits into bank and cash withdraws for office use.
  • Payment vouchers (f5):in this voucher we can post all cash and bank payments.
  • Receipt vouchers (f6): we can enter all cash receipts and bank receipts under receipts voucher.
  • Journal vouchers (f7): in this voucher we should post all the credit transactions ex: credit purchases from Chandra, sales to ramu etc.
  • Purchases vouchers (f9).
  • Sales vouchers (f8).
  1. Import: we can import the data of other company.
  2. Reports: we can view the balance sheet, profit&loss, ledger closing balances.

TALLY ERP 9 Introduction

Tally ERP 9
 Abbreviation of ERP→ Enterprise resource planning.

How to log on to Tally ERP 9:

Go to start button – select programs - then select tally ERP 9.    /    double click on tally. ERP 9 Icon on the desktop.
So the tally window will be displayed on the screen
 It display start up box in that we do have the following options
  1.  Activate license.
  2.  Reactivate license.
  3.  Configure existing license.
  4. Buy Retail License.
  5. Log in as remote
1. We need to select “work in educational mode” by using navigation keys (or) by pressing (alt+w) short cut key.
2. Then select golden edition mode by using navigation key (or) by pressing (alt+j).

Overview of Tally:-

  1. Title bar
  2. Main area.
  3. Button bar area.
  4. Calculator  area.
  • Title bar:  Title bar contains tally logo, tally version, tally license and configuration.
  • Main area:  main area has left hand side & Right hand side
  • Left hand side →In left side it displays current period and current date and list of recently created companies.
  • Right hand side→ in right side it returns gateway of tally menu.
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