Web designing:
The main purpose of web designing is to create, design, develop and maintainance of the web pages.
Internet is a globalized network of computers. The main purpose/ advantage of internet is transfering files from the one place to another place.
Web Site:
Collection of web pages is called a web site.
Web Page:
A web page is nothing but a file which contains the information about the particular topic or group of topics placed on the internet.
WWW-World Wide Web(nothing but internet)
URL- Uniform Resource Locator.
What is HTML?
- Html is a language for describing web pages.
- HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language.
- Html is not a programming language, it is a scripting language or markup language.
- A mark-up language consists of set of markup tags.Html uses these markup tags to describe web pages.
- Html tags are keywords surrounded by angle brackets(<>).
- Html tags come normally in pairs like <html> and </html>.
- The first tag in the pair is called as starting tag or opening tag
- The second tag in the pair is called as ending tag or closing tag.
Html tags are basically divide into 3 types, they are
1)Constant tags:-
These tags are compulsory present in each and every html web page.
2)Fixed Tags:
These tags contains both opening and closing tags
eg:<font></font>,<h1></h1> etc.
3)Independent Tags:
These tags doesn't contain closing tags.
eg:<br>,<img>,<hr> etc...
• We need a web browser in order to see the output such as internet explorer, mozila firefox etc.....
• The browser does not display the html tags, but uses the tags to interpret the content b/w the tags.
1) html tag has the basic following syntax:
<tagname propertyname value>
eg:<body bgcolor="red">
1. Static Page:
In this page only Designing
2.Dynamic page:
In this page Designing and Scripting
• Every HTML page is divided into 2 types.
1.Head of the page:
In this we can give Title of Page.
2.Body of the page:
In this we can give total designing of page.
What You Need?
• We need a text editor such as notepad.• We need a web browser in order to see the output such as internet explorer, mozila firefox etc.....
Process of Execution:
• Type the program in the notepad and save the file as "filename.html"(with .html extension)• The browser does not display the html tags, but uses the tags to interpret the content b/w the tags.
1) html tag has the basic following syntax:
<tagname propertyname value>
eg:<body bgcolor="red">
Types of Web Pages:
• Every web page is divided into 2 types.1. Static Page:
In this page only Designing
2.Dynamic page:
In this page Designing and Scripting
• Every HTML page is divided into 2 types.
1.Head of the page:
In this we can give Title of Page.
2.Body of the page:
In this we can give total designing of page.
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